
Phil 1120 Ethics and Moral Problems

Browsing Archive: December, 2011

Reflective Writing

Posted by Kerri Elizabeth Dudley on Wednesday, December 14, 2011,

Kerri Dudley
Ethics and Moral Problems
Reflective Writing

            I would give myself a B. I feel that I have grown a lot and learned a lot from this class. I also feel that I have gotten better at my arguments and critiquing from my point of view. Since the beginning of the class, my papers have gotten a lot stronger. I think in the beginning I was confused on what I was asked to do and with understanding the philosophers point of v...

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Signature Assignment

Posted by Kerri Elizabeth Dudley on Wednesday, December 14, 2011,

Kerri Dudley
Ethics and Moral Problems
Signature Assignment

            The argument is that there is only one mode, that the rich should use their riches in a beneficial way to them and society. The way we spend our money now will affect our future. The rich who use their money for toys or unnecessary things, are doing no good to society and should lose their riches. The poor are better off than they were back in the days, b...

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