CIS 1020 Computer Essentials

 The projects below are just a few examples of what I have learned how to do in this class. We worked with word, exel, and powerpoint. View my projects and see the final results!

Exploring_w02_Grader_EOC[1] finished.doc Exploring_w02_Grader_EOC[1] finished.doc
Size : 92.5 Kb
Type : doc
Exploring_e02_Grader_IR(1)kk.xlsx.xls Exploring_e02_Grader_IR(1)kk.xlsx.xls
Size : 34.5 Kb
Type : xls
Exploring_p04_Grader_IR[1] f.pptx Exploring_p04_Grader_IR[1] f.pptx
Size : 487.53 Kb
Type : pptx

Reflective Writing 

 I learned alot about computers from this class that i didnt know before. I know alot of techniques now, that makes doing an assignment so much easier. Before taking this class, I knew the basics of a computer and couldnt really do much. After taking this class, i can do alot more and I feel as if I know everything I need. The thing that was most interesting to me was learning how to use formulas in excel. They were very tricky at times but they were also very helpful. It was a fast and easy shortcut. I am very surprised how much I got out of taking this class. I am much more comfortable when dealing with word, exel, and powerpoint. It will be very benefical to me in future classes!

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